Yuekai Technology

Shanghai Yuekai Information Technology Co.

Xilu Toolbox

A toolbox mobile application covering common life queries, information queries, calculation conversions, word processing, system tools, questionnaire tests, development tools, network tools and other tools, currently there are more than 130 tools to improve users' work efficiency and meet their life needs.

Xilu Toolbox-Mini App

The WeChat of Xilu Toolbox Mini App currently supports some life inquiries, information inquiries, calculation conversions, assistance and other tools, and is being gradually improved.

supported tools are weather query, children's blood type calculation, BMI health index calculation, address latitude and longitude, Chinese zodiac sign, horoscope query, children's height prediction, human body drinking water calculation, solar and lunar calendar interchange, common food calories, food compatibility book, wedding anniversary name, selection difficulty assistant, tomato clock, holiday schedule.

Xilu Toolbox-Mini App